
 DME may be used to quick-reference library calls.  To allow DME to
 do this the following lines must be in your S:.EDRC file (hd installed):

 addpath dcc:man
 addpath dcc:doc
 addpath dinclude:

 floppy installed, you can reference the original distribution diskettes.
 Note that the disk containing the reference you seek must be in a drive
 or the reference will not be found.

 addpath dcc2:man
 addpath dcc1:doc
 addpath dinclude:

 The dcc:man directory contains manual pages for DICE and an already
 created quick-reference file DME.REFS .  By adding the directory to
 DME's search list you can, from DME, position the cursor over any
 subroutine name, example:

     printf("%s%dn", "fubar", 10);
     cursor is over the 'p'

 And type c-] (control-right-bracket), and DME will search all paths for
 DME.REFS files containing quick reference info for DICE manual pages.
 DME brings up a window with the appropriate reference information.  Your
 original window is still available, of course, so you can refer to the
 material and make changes to your program source easily.

 DME may also be used to quick-reference the AUTODOCS (obtained from
 Commodore).  DME's autorefs program may be used to generate DME.REFS
 files for all autodocs except dos.doc which, unfortunately, is in a
 different format (I haven't had time to hack autorefs to be able to
 handle dos.doc but the source to autorefs is also available to you)

 You can also quick-ref documents on executables.  For example, 'dcc' gets
 you the document on the DCC front end.

 Additionally, you can quick-reference INCLUDE STRUCTURES.  That is why
 the 'addpath dinclude:' is in there.  For example:

     cursor over the N, type c-] (control right-bracket)

 Will bring up the associated structure from the includes files.  If you
 have commented includes (AmigaDOS V1.3 Native Developer's Update, $20
 from Commodore) you can run autorefs on those and get more wordy
 quick-reference material.

             HOW IT WORKS

 To create a quick-refable document the header before each 'manual' entry
 must be of the form:

 aaaaa/bbbbb                         aaaaa/bbbbb

 That is, the same a/b string repeated twice on the line.  This is how
 the autodocs: are formatted, by the way.  You can also quickref .H files
 in which case structure definitions (but not typedefs, sorry!) will be
 quick referenced.  The program that creates a quick-reference file from
 a set of manual or .H files is called AUTOREFS.  The format is (example
 showing how to quick-reference your includes):

 1> cd dinclude:
 1> delete dme.refs      ; make sure dme.refs is gone 'cause it is appended to
 1> autorefs DME.REFS #?.h amiga/#?/#?.h

 Basically you can specify arbitrary wild cards.  The files specified should
 be relative the current directory.  You then add the current directory
 to DME's ADDPATH list:

 (in DME's S:.EDRC file):

 addpath dinclude:

 DME searches for a DME.REFS file in all specified path directories when
 searching for a keyword.

Converted using GuideML V1.6, a converter written by Richard Körber <>